
Back in my saddle again...

No, I didn't quit. I just went to a family reunion in Idaho and was gone for a total of two weeks. And though I did do some hiking, walking, biking, and swimming - I didn't do a lick of running. My trip did give me one valuable thing though - this photo Mike took of me and my hot sister in law. Can you guess which one I am? Just kidding. I was totally devastated when I saw it. Everyone knows that you really don't know what you look like until you see it in a photo or a video. Do you like how I am holding that pillow on my lap to hide my body a little more? Sad stuff, guys.

Before I left I did do one run - well, more a mix of running and walking. I would walk a quarter of a mile and then run that same amount- back and forth for a total of two miles. It was hard but it was ok. So tonight I hit the pavement - literally. I decided to try running outside instead of the treadmill. Sometimes it is so hard to keep going when you can just stare at the hundredths of a mile reading slowing ticking up.

It was a nice night and though I didn't like letting people see my bum jiggle, I was able to run a mile straight. My pacing was not that great - it ranged from 13 minute miles to 10 minute miles - gotta love those garmon GPS's! My face was red and I had a lot of gross stuff that I needed to spit out, but I made it. And I will do it again three more times this week. And hopefully by Saturday my face won't be as red and I won't have to spit quite as often.


Chris and Jamie said...

I am so proud of you and the pillow thing, I totally still do that to hide my stomach I just can't get rid of.

RightHahn said...

Keep it up Mae! You're going to be right were you want to be in no time:) Spitting is the ultimate jogging/running trick. It's fun to see how far away from your body you can get it. I also find that it's a good time to invent running aides. Like one time, Lydia, Shayla and I talked about the need for something that runny noses could drain into so that you wouldn't have to keep wiping them on your shirt. Attractive...I know:)

Also, I still like to hide behind pillows - or better yet...5 shirts or so!