
Tender Mercies - 176.0 lbs.

I hesitate to share this video because I am so huge in it but that's kinda the point, isn't it? I thought I could start doing video journals so everyone could see me in motion - it's a little more interesting that way. And it will convince all of you that if someone like me can jog a mile, anyone can.

p.s. Remember when I said that I didn't need this blog for inspiration? I was wrong - if it wasn't for this thing I know I wouldn't be doing a darn thing. Losing weight is hard. In fact, sometimes I think this may end up being one of the hardest things I'll ever do...


Kricket said...

Way to go Meg! I really want to see you it has been so long!

megan said...

Me too! email me your phone number at urbanhomesteadstore at g mail dot com and i'll give a call...

Katie said...

You have to keep going because you're one of my inspirations. So far I'm kind of failing at my 5K training schedule. My first week I went once. My second week I went twice. I left my third 'run' of the week for Saturday night and then got sick that afternoon. This is my 3rd week and I plan to go Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.

We would also like to see you guys! Duane specifically asked about you and Mike the other day. He doesn't typically do that!

megan said...

well you too then katie!

Molly said...

It's so true that it is a lot easier if you have someone with you. I will not miss a workout if someone is counting on me to be there. Perhaps you'll find a group of girls near your new home who want to start running. You can all work your way up in mileage together. And you've been there before, so you can kind of be their mentor, and they can be your reason to get out there every day. Good luck!

Patria said...

you are so cute Meg. my favorite part was when you said that elijah would ride his bike and andrew in the stroller didn't sound all that fun, but neither did running in the fisrt place. hilarious! don't beat yourself up. say 10 things you love about yourself every day. focus on that! it's a good exercise for all of us. luv, patria

m. said...

you're so cute...