
I'm back...but still fat.

I'm gonna keep on going here - at least for a while...

I'm actually feeling better already. Im 12 weeks but usually my sickness lasts until 16 weeks. Now I'm only sick in the mornings - and anyone can handle that!

When ever I'm trying to lose weight I make littler inspiration sheets to hang up in the kitchen. I made this today for inspiration:

I'm pretty happy about it. Now to see if it will work! I went jogging/walking today. It was the first time since I got sick a couple months ago - I've just been swimming. It was HARD. But my body could use a little more HARD!!!


Kathy said...

nice poster! i love it - and it would definitely inspire me.

so - are you really giving ALL that up??? i'm not saying you can't do it, i just know how insanely hard/impossible that would be for me. i'm sure you can stick to it, if anyone can. you have great will power - keep us posted!

RaeLynn said...


I don't know if you remember me, but we met through Stephanie and Kathy our freshman year of college. I went to UVSC and you guys were the Y I think...anyway, I've linked this blog to mine because it's great to find someone who is trying to do the same thing I am!

megan said...

RaeLynn - I do remember you - I don't know how or when we met but I know who you are... I need to check out your blog. I'm so sick of mine. I don't know if I'll like it better once I'm not pregnant and gaining weight anymore. We'll see, I guess...

megan said...

Wait - where is your fat blog?