
Week one weigh in.

So, this first week on WW I lost 3 pounds. I'm actually kind of bummed about it because the only days I count as official weigh-in's are Monday but on Saturday the scale was a pound less. I know, it doesn't really matter but I just wanted to be able to say I lost 4 pounds this week but it just didn't show up this morning. I know that weight isn't the perfect indicator of progress and that all sorts of other things can affect it. Sometimes I wonder if I should weigh myself only after a good long feeding with the baby. So, after experiencing that I've decided only to weigh myself on Mondays. Maybe that will help me obsess a little less and then I won't see all the ups and downs from the week.

And I haven't really gotten to my walking yet. Since I'm still requiring a serious granny pad for blood loss I figured I should wait a little more before I do anything. Ugh. And I still don't know when I'm going to do it either...


RightHahn said...

you don't want to walk around the neighborhood in a diaper??? weird...

m. said...

good idea. don't weigh except for on mondays. congrats on 3 lbs! you should become diabetic. i lost 7 lbs in one week.

Stephanie said...

hahaha granny pad. seriously-- one of THE worst "side effects" of delivery. i hate it. that and crazy hair loss.