
Fat Blogger Gets Famous!

It seems someone else thought blogging would be a good way to chronicle weight loss...
This guy lost an amazing amount of weight and blogged about it all. The only problem is that it isn't as interesting to me now because he's done - that seems like a good reason to open this blog up to everyone I know. Still, here are some of his tips:

Fact Box
Muata Kamdibe's Tips

1. Calories count! If anyone tells you differently, keep your hand on your wallet and back away slowly. Feed your brain to lose the weight. Educate yourself about the weight-loss process to create your own way of eating.
2. Establish a realistic plan to accomplish your goals. Having an epiphany that you need to lose weight is not enough.
3. Lie to everyone else about your weight if you'd like, but there is no room for lying to yourself anymore.
4. Read both sides of the debate about saturated fat and cholesterol. There's more than enough information available to make an informed decision about a diet that is good for you.
5. If you can't do 20 strict form push-ups and chin-ups, then you shouldn't think about touching one dumbbell. Bodyweight exercises are enough to build the body that 90 percent of the fat guys and their women really want!
Well, I guess I'll go post about this on my other blog....here we go!

1 comment:

Muata said...

Hello! Thanks for spotlighting my story on your blog, but I wanted to let you know that I'm not finished with my transformation just yet. My ultimate goal is to have a clearly defined six-pack and 5% body fat. I'm not too far away, but I'm not there yet.

Thanks again for your support and for detailing your own journey.

All the best,