

A few months back Mike and I were watching that show The Biggest Loser and I remember that there were some girls on there towards the end of season who were so happy with the weight they had lost and what they had achieved. I couldn't help thinking, "Well, gee, they're still like 185 pounds - they're still totally fat." I forgot about that until today.

I went to Target to get some clothes to fit into so I could stop wearing my maternity pants. While I was in the fitting room I happened to glance at my reflection in the mirror behind me. You know the kind of dressing room that has a mirror in front of you and behind so you can see your whole outfit? Well, that was the kind. And what did I see? Well, all I could say to myself was, "Wow." There in the mirror was one of those girls from TBL! And then I realized that I do now weigh in the 180's just like they did. And then I realized that if I was on that show that I would be one of those fat women pulling tires up the hill in all of their sick obesity. I was and still am flabbergasted. I had no idea what I had become. It was like seeing a stranger in the mirror. I came out feeling a little dazed and every few minutes I found myself uttering, "Wow." again under my breath. And thus it begins.

I went for a walk today and tonight I ate some celery with raisins and peanut butter instead of the cookies Mike made. I have 50 pounds to lose. Wow. Guess I better get started. What is the fastest that one can lose weight after having a baby? Is it possible to lose 50 pounds in like 4 months?


p.s. I got size 16 pants - not size 14. Gee.

p.p.s. No, I do not think that girl in the photo is fat - I just couldn't find one of a girl before the show was over and they are still chubby.

1 comment:

Kevin Pratt said...

Meg, didn't that girl in your picture on this post do it?! She lost between 80-100 lbs in less than 6 months, I think. It was serious work, but she looks amazing! You know the first two or three weeks are the hardest...once you get past those, the sick food isn't appealing most of the time.