
Maiden voyage...

Today is my 29th birthday and it hit me hard how big I am. I just didn't want to be in my body today so this evening on my walk I pushed as hard as I could - which is about a 15 minute mile. It was really difficult! After a mile of that I thought, "Jogging can't be much harder than this..." So I started to jog a 12 minute mile. It was such a strange feeling since I've never gone running weighing 180 before. I felt like I was running through thigh-high sticky mud. Or with weights on my legs- which is pretty much what I've got - a lot of extra weight to lift on my legs. I ran that pace for a third of a mile and then went back to walking. In the end I felt pretty good. I got my endorphins going and I think I'm ready to up my workouts to 6 days a week. I just can't stand being this size!

Even though I was dead and far from ready to jog a lot - it felt great. I felt slightly normal again.

p.s. For my birthday I got some running clothes that fit and Mike got me this DVD to use on cross training days. After using it this is pretty much what I am going to look like:


Unknown said...

ohhh, you got that DVD? You will have to let me know what you think of it!

Stephanie said...

I'm pretty much dying that you're 29 (and I'm 28)...where did the time go? I remember us being 12 and 13.

Anyway- I'm loving your motivation-- it's keeping mine up. I've hit a plateau in my weight and it's driving me crazy...

Kathy said...

it makes your work outs 10x better when you have clothes that fit good, eh? i had to get a ton of new ones after i had linus - so much better than spilling over my old ones.

RightHahn said...

Hey!! Happy Birthday - I love that we're the same age for like 4 weeks:)

I'm with Marisa...I totally want to hear your feedback on the DVD.

Brandi said...

I love this blog! Keep posting for us other moms that need to lose the extra lbs.!

Em said...

Love the blog and love the title! I'm a friend of Tyan's and I linked to your blog (great photography, by the way!).

I can't wait to follow you in this journey! How inspiring!

Good luck!