

I went running again tonight and I realized it's time to choose my first foray back into the world of racing. Races are fun and can really get you motivated. Next spring I hope to run in the Rex Lee Run so I can finally get a coveted Rex Lee Run tee. When I was in college those were the cool of the cool.

My first race outside of school was after I had my first son and finally got into running for real. I ran in a 5k at BYU and though I wasn't fast - somewhere around 9 minute miles - it was a lot of fun. The next race I entered was a half marathon - jumping up in mileage way too fast. Which meant that I cried during more than one workout - and hated almost every step of that race. I did terribly in this one even though I trained like crazy. It happens to be called "The toughest half marathon in the northwest." I didn't take that too literally - though I should have. The first eight miles you gain 2000 feet and then the last 5 you lose 1700 feet. But the worst part was that the race shirt didn't even say half marathon on it so I couldn't wear it to show off! C'mon, we all know we race for the glory of the t-shirts! I wish I would have just chosen a regular half so that I could have felt good about my performance. Someday I'll beat that race.And this time around I've chosen an evening race. Not that I was looking for one - it just happens to fall at a time when I think I might be ready by. A Halloween race in American Fork. See you there? Should we dress up? I think so. I can't wait to plan my costume.
Someday I hope to have a place in my budget called "race money" so that I can race all the time. I hope to run fast like my best friend Marisa - she got first place in her age group and third place in a race not too long ago. She was only beat by a couple teenage girls! Now that's hot! I also hope to run in one of those races in the woods someday where you have to run through streams and mud and jump over things. What are those called? They've always seemed really interesting. And I also want to participate in a few bi/triathlons. I want to be cool like that. I love dreaming of being a hot running mom...


Heather said...

I knew as soon as you mentioned, "toughest half marathon in the northwest" you were talking about Robie Creek...didn't even have to click on the link! It is nearly impossible to even get a race number to it nowadays! My husband really wants to do that race next year. I want to do a half-marathon someday, but I guess I should tackle a few 5ks again first though!


Cannot believe your story is so similar to mine. I've been a runner on and off for 12 years now. I used to be able to run 8 miles at a good clip. Now I'm fortunate to run one mile. I've been pretty much inactive for a few years, and then I had one baby, and another baby right after that is now 3 months old. I am 5' 9" and 185lbs. I am coming down from 200lbs. My goal weight is 150lbs, but I know I would be thrilled at 145lbs. My body's set weight is 150, I know that because of all these years experimenting with eating right and excercise. So I've lost 15lbs on the Candida Diet Cleanse and with going to the gym every day (missed a few days for being sick). At the gym, I usually walk/run on the treadmill, do so floor excercises or weights, and take a cycle and a boot camp class. I also walk on treadmill and swim on my rest days. I was so encouraged to find your blog. It can be so depressing to be large after a baby. Nothing fits and you don't want to buy anything, because you don't want to stay in L or XL sizes. Your waist is like history and you feel like a big mama. But my goal is the same as yours. I don't want to be a big mama, I want to be a hot mama. One that can run after my kids and up and down stairs, and that can give my husband whiplash when I walk by him.

megan said...

Heather - I didn't realize it had gotten so popular. We raced it in '03 but that was a while ago. My husband's family is from there so hopefully someday I can get in and run it well. But not this next year...I don't want to cry in my workouts too much.

Ohtaheite - I'm glad you found me! I hope you can see me transform myself. It helps to have encouragement so keep coming back!

Katie said...

When I was a freshman, I thought the Rex Lee Run shirts were super-dorky. HOWEVER, looking back, I am 100% certain that I was just jealous. I knew "I could never be a runner", so I thought that anything I wasn't doing or "couldn't" do was dorky. Excellent logic, you've got to admit! Now I think the race/shirts are cool and I had already looked up when the race was before you posted about it.

I know I have seen your training calendar for Robie Creek. I was racking my brains trying to figure out how that might have worked. Did you have a blog? Did you post it online somehow? Then it occurred to me -- you ran it while you lived at Wyview, right? I must have seen your calendar at your apartment! I do remember thinking that was cool, so I had obviously changed my thinking somewhat by then :-D

Kathy said...

how did you get that picture of me running?

Stephanie said...

okay, i'm feeling MAJOR GUILT.

i have an 8K in less than a month, and a half marathon in less then two months...and....i haven't run in like ...i don't know...forever.

why do you have to be keeping up with this? can't you just be lazy so i can sit over here and be like, "well, megan isn't keeping up with it, so i really don't have to either..."

Unknown said...

I'll run the Halloween Race with you, I think we should get the shirts that have the cartoon body on them that look like you are wearing a bikini. Those are hot! I know they are still around because I just saw one at the pool this week. I should have asked her where you get them.

megan said...

Steph - I'm hating every minute of my workouts so you ahve no excuse not to come back!

Marisa - I LOVE those!