
A dream is a wish your heart makes...

Have you ever had one of those dreams where you just didn't want to wake up because it was so great? Well, I had one of those last night. I dreamed I was running along a trail in the forest with a group of people. And at first I was a little nervous because I knew I hadn't been running much and didn't think I'd be able to go very far . Luckily though, in my dream I was running with a great partner who kept me going - who happened to be Tom Cruise. And I realized I was actually feeling great. Also, Tom was telling me I was doing great and encouraged me to keep going and we ran several miles together at a great pace. Now, why Tom cruise? I have no idea because he kind of bugs me - though I was giving him some marriage advice for he and Katie. But unlike a lot of dreams where you feel like you can't run - I felt like I was sailing across the pavement. It was glorious. I only wish it was a reality. I have running dreams like that a good amount when I'm starting to get back into it. They usually involve an old high school coach who intimidated me quite a bit. In those dreams I'm always going back and working really hard and knocking his socks off. Something I failed to do when I was in high school. So, I'll take kooky Tom Cruise any day. Actually, there was a part of my dream where Tom wanted me to stop by his church so I could listen to a lesson on Scientology. I was a little apprehensive but kind of excited by the weirdness of it all. Unfortunately my run was cut short when I heard my three month old crying - waking me up for the morning.
As for reality...my knees are still hurting a good amount. I have had pains before but this one doesn't go away even when I stop running. So I looked it up and read that it has to do with my lack of quadricep muscle support for my knees. I need to strengthen that. Tonight I went to get on the treadmill - hoping that the pain wouldn't be too bad. But it was and so I hopped on over to the elliptical. I have never run on an elliptical before but it was actually great. My knees didn't hurt at all but my quads were burning and it was hard! So, I "ran" a mile on that and plan on working on my quad strength and resting my knees for a week or so in hopes that I can get back into jogging without losing any momentum but losing the pain.

And tonight I drew up a weight loss chart which my friend Jamie has been telling me to do and I'm glad I finally did. It was fun and it made me excited to see where I can be if I'll stop my snacking and work harder. Here it is:
It puts me at losing my weight by the 31st of October. That's just about 3 pounds a week which is pretty aggressive but completely doable...right? Really, I just ran out of room on the poster. I couldn't fit any more days on there but didn't want my chart to end above my goal weight so...

Wish me luck! I'll keep you posted.

A dream is a wish your heart makes
When your fast asleep
In dreams you will lose your heartaches
Whatever you wish for you keep

Have faith in your dreams and someday
Your rainbow will come smiling through
No matter how your heart is grieving
If you keep on believing
The dream that you wish will come true.


Unknown said...

I love it!

Kathy said...

that picture is hilarious. i went running (you inspired me) the other night for the first time in YEARS (not joking) and my knee is killing me. i'm just going to walk for a while. i figure it's better than nothing. . .

megan said...

I am so inspired that you were inspired. Has it really been years? Ya, I guess us old ladies can't run to much right away. Keep me posted!

Kevin Pratt said...

This was a great post! NOthin' like a good laugh to counteract the hatred we feel (as pointed out in your other blog).J/K