
Bummer of a week

This week has been a hard one. I made that chart and for the first few days I was following the curve and then my curve started right back up again. I want to think that the chart was achievable and that if I start working harder I can catch up. I sure hope so.

I was so bummed that I didn't really do anything all this week until today. Finally, this morning I watched the women's triathlon on the olympics online and it inspired me. So I packed the kids up and took them all to our little community gym. I'd done that once before and it wasn't so bad. Today it was actually good. I turned on the cartoons - gave Peter a few toys and hopped on the treadmill. My knees were feeling better. I think the break from jogging helped.

Also, I'm sick of working out in the evenings. It's so easy to skip, let alone have the mental stamina that late in the day. Today I was able to jog 1.5 miles. It felt great actually. I haven't run with music yet and I think that might give me the extra boost I need. Next time I'll bring along the ipod.


Patria said...

I agree, working out in the evenings is really hard. I find that I always say I'll do yoga when the kids go to bed, but by then I'm exhausted. Mornings are hectic at our house and after work, I want to spend time with the kids. I guess I need to suck it up and start getting up really early. Anyways, I'm impressed- getting to the gym with all the kids- that's inspiring.

Brandi said...

Early mornings are the best time to exercise with youngsters at home. I am not a morning person at all, and honestly right now getting up early starts the morning sickness earlier so I'm not doing it now. But, when I was getting up earlier to exercise, I loved the fact that I was awake when they woke up and usually had energy and was excited to see them. It takes away that feeling of being "thrown" into your day, and then you don't have to think about exercise the until tomorrow. You just get to enjoy being a mom.

Kathy said...

sometimes music helps me - sometimes i just like being outside and hearing the world around me. anyway - i'm glad the break helped your knees. mine are still trashed :( dah well. keep it up megan.

BTO said...

Meg, You motivate me to go running! Thanks!

RightHahn said...

Cute new banner!! And don't worry - you'll find your groove soon. I think mornings work best too - but since Randy's been leaving at 6 or earlier in the morning I haven't been running consistently. Sleep always trumps running for me - stupid sleep!!

And yes, I think taking all the kids to the gym is a feat unto itself as well!! For some of us, it could be considered an olympic sport:)


Mornings are best for a Mom, because once everyone wakes up, we are hard-wired to put them first before doing anything for ourselves, including bathing!!

As for diet, I have had good results with avoiding flour, sugar, etc on the candida diet. I've lost 22 lbs in not quite two months, and I've been just eating until I'm full of whole good quality meat, veggies and grains. www.wholeapproach.com. It also gives me plenty of energy for working out and the kids and I spend less on groceries (no junk. My sugar and other cravings went away after 2 weeks.